Thursday, August 22, 2024
Good morning, Lord
Verse of the Day: Psalm 42:8 "By day the Lord shows his faithful love,
and at night I have a song for him—a prayer for the God of my life."
Memory verse: Psalm 42:2(New American Bible )
"My soul thirsts for God, the living God. When can I enter and see the face of God?"
Today's reading: Psalm 113-115 1 Corinthians 6
Emphasis is 'special forcefulness of expression that gives importance to something singled out'.
In our spoken English language, the first syllable of a word usually gets the emphasis. Say the words again: 'spoken'-'english'-'language'.
As we speak these, the force in our voices lowers on the last syllable.
Now pronounce 'hallelujah'. The emphasis drops on the syllable-'jah'.
'Jah' comes from the Hebrew YAH meaning God. So when we say hallelujah the way we are accustomed to saying it, we let the emphasis drop on God.
The first part of the word is 'hallel' and means, simply put, 'praise'. So, together it is, of course, "Praise God'.
In Psalm 115:1 we read:
"Not to us, Adonai, not to us, but to your name give glory,
because of your grace and truth."
The point to all this is that we-belonging to God in Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, using the mind of Christ(1 Corinthians 2:16) are to be about living our lives as a living sacrifice(Romans 12:1&2) as our spiritual worship-must be about putting the emphasis where it belongs-on the last syllable of 'hallelujah'-our life's emphasis is to be on God Almighty in Christ Jesus.
The little things, the smallest of things, like the first and last word of every day is to be done in light of God's never ending power and mercy-love and grace toward us-because if we walk by the Spirit-God is in every syllable of every word.
If you are low right now, God's emphasis, His great power and love-His attention-are all on you at this moment. Stop-empty your mind of the world-rest in His arms. Focus on Him.
...because He loves us...
Father in Heaven,
Not to me, Lord God, but to You I give the glory. Because of Your grace and truth, I confess my wickedness. Bring Your Heavenly joy in today's bread so I may share as You will it. Lead me away from the evil one as I trust in Your leading.
Uplifting and merciful God,
In the name of Christ Jesus,
