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God Is Always Right

‎Saturday, ‎December ‎26, ‎2020

Good morning, Lord

V.O.D.:  Luke 2:28-32

He took Him up in his arms and blessed God and said: “Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, According to Your word; For my eyes have seen Your salvation Which You have prepared before the face of all peoples, A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, And the glory of Your people Israel.”

M.O.M.:  Ephesians 4:31

31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.(English Standard Version)

Today's reading:  ZECHARIAH 1-4 REVELATION 18

God Is Right

Yes, it is already the day after Christmas and there is always the returning to routine. I say routine instead of returning to 'normal' because 'normal' is so vague. Everybody's normal is different and normal changes over the years but our routine way of thinking is hard to change. You process things through your filters. These filters were learned very young and though you have educated and experienced you still process and filter in your own basic way.

What gives people a different perception of the same situation?

The old song told of a boy who took ball and bat as he stood alone in the sandlot. Each time he pitched the ball up, he thought, "I am the best batter in the world" After three strikes, he thought, "I am the best pitcher in the world".

Many of us look at that and think different things because of our differing perceptions-perceptions from filters learned long ago.

The question I have is, "What guides your perception of God?" It is from an earthly father who was even tempered and kind or just the opposite? Was it from a kind Sunday school teacher who loved you regardless or a worker who was not a happy person and shared that...

Tozer said, "Know that our living Lord is unspeakably pure. He is sinless, spotless, immaculate, stainless. In His person is an absolute fullness of purity that our words can never express. This fact alone changes our entire human and moral situation and outlook. We can always be sure of the most important of all positives: God is God and God is right. He is in control. Because He is God He will never change!"

From Romans 8:28&29 we see that our God, who is always right, will use our every experience to better us as He continually works to transform our character into the image of Christ Jesus.

That is why we cannot let up. We must read and study God's word ambitiously again and again.(Some do not) We cannot walk into the world without the armor of God.(some do not)

Some do not because of perception. Some think that studying God's word is an opportunity to argue with the King of Kings. If that's what it takes for you to accept that you are wrong, fine. At least you are talking to God.

But life does not have to be that hard if we look at our early filters and pray for God to change the way we process the truth of His righteousness.

Pray for God to change what needs changing. Whatever it is, God deals with you and you alone to transform you by the renewing of mind, Romans 12:2; God restores our souls our souls, Psalm 23. He is our constant companion and counselor and teacher, John 14:26.

Whatever our perception of God, He will make it greater with our obedience and seeking because His plan is for us to be transformed into the image of Jesus.

These challenges get some of us down because we feel we won't ever get there. The Psalmist said it:

Psalm 139:5-7 "... it is too 'high' for me to grasp. "

The changing us is up to God. The decision to take up your own cross everyday and be His disciple is a personal and conscious decision.

God is always right. God is always calling each of our hearts to focus on Him. God's call on your heart is His righteous call. A call from Love to listen. Everyone God calls can do this because God says you can.

...because He loves us...

Father in Heaven,

I don't listen. I try to ignore Your call. Forgive me. Teach me, oh God.

Righteous and just God of peace and mercy!

In the name of Jesus,


Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.—1 John 3:2-3


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