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Truth Or Not?

Saturday, ‎February ‎26, ‎2022

Good morning, Lord

Verse of the Day: 1 John 4:9 This is how God’s love was revealed among us: God sent His one and only Son into the world, so that we might live through Him.

Memory of the Month: 2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Today's reading: NUMBERS 12-14 MARK 5:21-43

Truth Or Not

Anything that promotes God's wisdom and peace and the gospel of salvation in Christ Jesus is slated for destruction by the mind of natural man. It is just the way of the enemy.

The destruction of history that applauds honorable men has come into full form. Anyone who has been memorialized in a statue is a target even if they may deserve the accolade for righteous works(they are probably a target 'for' their righteous works). History books are being rewritten to show the wrongs committed by former heroes.

We have an entire commercial campaign that has a psychologist who 'deprograms' people from 'becoming their parents' just to sell us car insurance. What happened to respecting our parents-as it says in the scripture? What happened to following good examples?

What happened to having wholesome heros?

Big egos are jealous egos and jealousy destroys all things good. Remember the ruler of the power of the air, Ephesians second chapter?

One saying about sanity that we hear more than any other is:

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”(Einstein did not say this. The earliest print of this is in a 1981 Alcoholics anonymous pamphlet but says this: "Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.)

I learned a long time ago: If you get stuck in a deep muddy rut, you tie on to a vehicle on solid ground and pull the one stuck on to the solid ground with you. Mud happens. Rutts form-but they all lead eventually out to solid ground if we continue to pull. Once you get to solid ground, the undercarriage is clogged with all the muck and there is a lot of work to be done-a lot. Ruts teach us that with constant work, we can get out and get free of all the stuff that bogs us down.

Once you've been stuck in a rut, you can see the mud coming the next time. But if you cannot avoid it, you know from experience that you can work your way out if you tie on to the right force.

The enemy is trying to erase the wisdom of experience. The Word of God is the recorded experience of folks who were inspired by God Himself. God breathed His word through His people. When we ignore God's word or omit our reading of His word, we play right into the enemy's hands.

The world tells us that developing good habits is a 'rutt' or repeating the same thing over and over shows that we must be crazy.

What did Jesus say? Jesus told us to do the same thing day after day.

"Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23

We must:

Deny self daily.(The world says 'follow your heart')

Take up our cross daily.(Follow the heart of Jesus)

Follow Jesus daily. (Turn our backs on the way of the natural world.)

We are where we are because we have chosen to be here. This statement brings out a lot of excuses, arguments, and a lot of hard luck stories. No, I did not choose to have cancer. No I did not choose to lose friends and family to death. But I do choose to meet my same God everyday and put my life in His hands everyday and I do plead with Him to open my heart and mind to more of Him as I work to become less and less. I have a mountain of work left to do and ever more loving to do in Jesus name. The more I learn the more I find I have to learn. God has all the answers to all the hard questions. I do not. But, as Paul said,

"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14

Romans 8:37 ►

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

In Christ, if we choose to be, we are victors--because He wants that for us.

In the world, we are victims-if we choose it.

Choose this day-victor or victim. You know what Jesus wants. He wants your whole heart.

...because He loves us...

Father in Heaven,

I confess I lapse into being a victim and use every excuse for my choices. Forgive me, have mercy on me. Thank You, great God of mercy and might.

In the name of Jesus,



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