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To Know Past Knowledge

‎Monday, ‎February ‎28, ‎2022

Good morning, Lord

Verse of the Day: ...To know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.—Ephesians 3:19

Memory of the Month: 2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Today's reading: NUMBERS 17-19 MARK 6:30-56

To Know Past Knowledge

True or false?

"You can be all you can be on this earth and still not be who God intends you to be."

Go, ahead, you pray before you answered? That is what this is about today. The world says look before you leap.

But God says:

Pray before you predict.

Pray before you play.

Pray before you pounce.

Pray before you pronounce.(as in judgement)

Pray before you plow.

Pray to know how.

Pray to have God's peace.

Pray to have God's life.

Pray to know God's love-how long, how wide, how deep...

Pray to know how to love like God.

Pray and give thanks.

Pray to become less-

Pray He becomes all.

Pray that we all become God's powerful, holy people. (Ephesians 3)

And the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”-Philippians 4:6

...To know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.—Ephesians 3:19

God's love and peace is beyond any explanation. It has to be known-it is known for those who seek His kingdom and His righteousness but no believer can speak words to explain His peace to the lost world. But...His peace can be seen in the lives of the obedient believer and must be seen for the lost to desire it.

The love of God is above the knowledge of natural man. No one person can understand God's complete love-but-all members of the body of Christ can know God's love. God's love is known by the real, submissive believer and it cannot be hidden from the lost world-but, it cannot be learned but taught. It is grown in us as we grow in Christ.

Back to the answer to the question. You can be the best soldier, doctor, plumber, farmer, athlete, janitor or anything else but not be what God intends you to be. Humans are awarded for performance all the time. They get hall of fame honors and nobel prizes and are called the 'greatest of all time'-but if all this is achieved without the peace and love of God, all these awards are hollow-without the blood of Christ on a life-the life is lost. A person's life can be recorded in ten thousand places but if their name is not in the Lord's book, the life falls short of the glory of God and is empty here and hereafter.

The shame is that so many believers do not have peace because they have tried to earn it or work it up. We have to step past personal effort and humble ourselves in obedience and confess we cannot 'do' God's peace. We must seek God and all His peace will be added.

We must love God to know God's love.

This is contrary to any human teaching on earth because all human teaching is of the earth and the enemy.

God's teaching-His knowledge and understanding-His love-none of it can be touched by mankind-man cannot reach and touch God. Only God can reach and touch us, and oh, He desires to touch us but will do nothing in our hearts uninvited. We must ask. With God in our lives, we must seek.


...because He loves us...

Father in Heaven,

I try all the time. I confess, I try to get close to You but in my own power. Teach me how to sit still and wait on You-meditate on You and Your righteousness. Thank You merciful and great God!

In the name of Jesus,



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