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Ski Texas

This one is early because I will be getting ready for surgery tomorrow. Thanks for the prayers. God is all...

Friday, ‎February ‎17, ‎2023 Good morning, Lord Verse of the Day: 1 Thessalonians 1:3 3 We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. Memory verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Readings: LEVITICUS 21-22 MATTHEW 28 Ski Texas That title was not funny to 90% 0f the state in 2021. But many years ago, it snowed 10" in Kerrville and within 48 hours folks were wearing t-shirts that read 'SKI KERRVILLE'. Point is we live and laugh at what was years ago until it covers us again so we must do what we can to be prepared. For the younger folks, listen to the folks who have been there. The fact that they made it through whatever circumstances is a clue that they might know what they are talking about-some not, I get that. But a lot of folks that live a life of faith and hope have learned a great deal of living 'through' things and we all can learn from them. The one thing anyone of true faith will tell you is that while things may start to look impossible they will pass because God sustains us. The impossible usually turns into a great story down through the years but feels really rotten on the front side. So what do we do with 'really rotten'? We must find that place in the middle of God's power where He wants us to be. He has this all planned and knows exactly what the story will sound like in twenty years but has everything ready for you and right now. The government has no real answers-no food, no power, no heat-can't travel and let's not forget, we can't watch TV or use home computers. We are so spoiled. I watched a dvd of 'Band of Brothers' and they were at the Battle of the Bulge in a place called Bastogne. Before it started, an old soldier who fought there, said in an interview that his wife would complain about the cold at home and he would say, "At least we're not in Bastogne...". Everything was frozen and covered in ice and the enemy was shelling them relentlessly. 142 started and 65 survived. Yes, I could be writing this in the dark on a laptop that could run down. The food stores might not have much to offer. Fuel for the cars might be hard to find. The water-- down to a trickle. We know unless the Lord returns first, it will thaw and dry up. The Lord never intended for us to be comfortable on this earth, all the time. He intends for us to lean on Him as He teaches us things from the rotten times we have to go through. Pain, heartache, mental and emotional stress-the absence of physical peace-the pain of personal failure from bad choices-then there may be ice and snow for weeks- God will use all these to mold us into the people he intends if we learn the lesson of submission and humility. Please remember: During the ministry of Jesus, He never even had a home. He never took a joy ride in a fast car or even the bed of a pickup. He never owned a pair of socks or a wallet. He never stumped His toe in the dark at night going to the frige to snack. He had no warm coat or a place to hang one. He was hated by the establishment, lied about, and convicted and sentenced to die and beaten until he was unrecognizable before they nailed Him up to die-why? So we could be afraid of being cold and hungry or afraid even to die? Jesus said, "My peace I give unto you-not like the world's peace but My perfect peace-so don't be afraid or burdened with worry". Don't walk 'by' faith-walk in faith. The Holy Spirit is in us-not just for us. We may not see the sun much for weeks at a time--weeks-but there won't even be a sun in Heaven-He will be all the light everywhere. He means to be our light right now-the light that leads us through anything. ...because He loves us... Father in Heaven, Forgive me for getting down and not hanging on. Teach me trust deep trust for all the hardest things of this life. All powerful God and master! In the name of Jesus, Amen


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