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Perfect Gifts

‎Saturday, ‎December ‎17, ‎2022

Good morning, Lord

Verse of the Day: Luke 1:46-47, 49 And Mary said: “My soul magnifies the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.

Memory verse: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

Readings: AMOS 7-9 REVELATION 8

Perfect Gifts

James 1:17- Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

The pressure is off-the pressure is off for all those who are so stressed out by the notion of giving perfect Christmas gifts. God is the only being who can give the perfect gifts. We are not able to give the 'perfect' gift.

Please think and pray about this before you stress your mind any further. The Bible says that 'every' good and perfect gift comes from God-every one-all good and perfect gifts come from God. We cannot give God's kind of gifts.

What gifts we give are, I am sure, with the best of intentions and love, but, we cannot give as God gives. But, we can pray about what we give and with the Holy Spirit's guidance, are the best we can give.

The problem with a lot of us that we forget the original meaning around Christ's birth. The real meaning to me is that God gave His son(perfect gift) so we could be reunited with God-God gave the perfect gift-which was the perfect sacrifice.

A lot of people think we give gifts because the 'wise men' brought gifts. It is a great thought but not the real reason any of us should give gifts. We should give gifts if we feel God wants us to, and having said that, we should not give out of obligation. Our gifts should be a reflection of the love in our hearts that is there because of the ultimate gift God gave us-Christ Jesus.

I am not much of a Christmas person or Easter for that matter. Why? I believe we should celebrate the reality of these Holy and blessed days everyday we have-everyday. God's gift of Christ is everlasting-His sacrifice is everlasting. These realities are our lives everday if we are conscious of our loving God in Christ.

One more type of gift is what we can give God. What is that? God has everything, you say. Us-God wants us before Him and with Him. God gave-He gave Jesus so we could be with Him-not just in Heaven but all the time. What do parents want everyday-time with their children because they love nothing more. That is part of being made in God's image. His love for His children is far deeper than all the love we will feel in this earthly life.

Something more that we can give in Jesus' name-time with the lonely. God's love is to share. So, while we give our gifts to those we love so much, think about someone out there who is alone. And when you get there, know God got there first and is already rejoicing at the His love you share.

Rest in the Lord and be at peace in Him and love-there is always loving to do...

...because He loves us...

Father in Heaven,

Have mercy on me and forgive me when I forget what this season is all about. I have so many selfish feelings. Give me the desire to be conscious of You and Your perfect gift to us and to be conscious of the lonely all the time.

Precious God and lover of my soul.

In the name of Jesus,




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