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Maybe By You

Friday, ‎June ‎25, ‎2021

Good Morning, Lord

Verse of the Day:  Can anyone hide himself in secret places, So I shall not see him?” says the Lord; “Do I not fill heaven and earth?” says the Lord. Jeremiah 23:24

Memory of the month:  Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be  satisfied.

Today's reading:  JOB 3-4 ACTS 7:44-60

Maybe By You

The struggle in our nation today threatens to destroy what we know and that for which our folks have worked and fought so long and hard. But that struggle has been in this earth from early on.

Eve saw the 'forbidden fruit' coming from a 'tree to be desired in order to make one wise' after the serpent had said to her, " the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God". Genesis 3, verses 5 and 6.

People have been trying to play God from the beginning. The enemy has tried to lead people away from the beginning and will never stop.

In Acts chapter 8, the Bible says, "And Saul approved of their killing him(Stephen)...Saul began to destroy the church. Going from house to house, he dragged off both men and women and put them in prison."

This same hate reared its head in Nazi Germany. It rears its head all over the world year to year. Hate from the heart of the enemy will never be stopped on this earth. Only if man is shielded by the armor of God is hate stopped and that one heart at a time.

We must trust God and see hope. How? That same Saul from Acts chapter 8 became Paul who wrote half of the new testament. That same man who fanned into flames that mob mentality against the early church met Jesus and became the one of the first great evangelists, teachers, and apologists for Jesus Christ.

It is hard to see the 'mob' or 'herd' mentality on the TV screen and not be moved-some are shocked and some wish they were there. The psychologists tell us that hostility emerges only if the people come with that in mind. Martin Luther King advocated peace but some of his followers were hostile. As great a man as he was, King could not control them.

No one man can control all the people in any crowd. One person can truly only ever control only one person --self.

The next time you see someone on film break a window or strike another person, what will you do as you hold control over yourself? Will you embrace hate or will you pray for the soul of that person?

Yea, I know it is not popular to say 'pray for them' but Jesus said, " good to those who hate you...".

One heart at a time. This is the way Jesus taught us. We must love them all and touch them one heart at a time.

A hundred thousand people at a football game or twenty thousand in the street burning the city- we must love them all. If they meet Jesus, it will be one at a time-maybe by your touch.

...because He loves us...

Father in Heaven,

Forgive my shallow view of the trouble I see in the world-my judgement. My prayer is my heart cry out for more of you and the courage to share You with the world.

Merciful God and greatest friend,

In the name of Jesus,




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