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Knowledge With Discernment

Friday, October 4, 2024

Good morning, Lord

Father in Heaven, I seek You first-Your peace-Your knowledge and discernment. I take up my cross and follow...In Jesus' name...

Verse of the Day:  1 Peter 1:3

3 May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ be blessed! On account of his vast mercy, he has given us new birth. You have been born anew into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Memory verse: Psalm 42:2(New American Bible )

"My soul thirsts for God, the living God. When can I enter and see the face of God?"

Today's reading: Isaiah 23-25 Philippians 1

Knowledge With Discernment

Philippians 1:9 And this is my prayer: that your love may more and more overflow in fullness of knowledge and depth of discernment, 10 so that you will be able to determine what is best and thus be pure and without blame for the Day of the Messiah, 11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus the Messiah — to the glory and praise of God.

Brilliant minds-great academic achievement-the world is blessed with many and much.

I have spoken before of one of the best 'technical pianists' I have known in my life. I say 'technical' because she could not play without a sheet of music before her. She could not play 'off the page'-could not play by ear. This meant no playing with friends in a different place at any old piano for fun-not without printed page before her.

That is an illustration for knowledge without discernment. You may have all the 'textbook' answers but can you give an answer that will be easily understood to the 'poor folks'?

We must learn discernment from the Holy Spirit because He teaches in love so our knowledge will be tempered by love.

Philippians 4:5 ►"Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near."

Every person on earth has that part of them that is created in God's image. Before you pronounce a verbal judgement or a verbal correction or a 'dress down', you/we think of how you/we would say whatever it is to God and 'the words of God':

1 Peter 4:11 "Holy and mighty God, if anyone speaks, direct them to do so as one who speaks Your very words."

How would our speech be tempered-how would it change if we did this with our every statement?

Paul was good at bottom line statements: Philippians 1:

18 "But so what? All that matters is that in every way, whether honestly or in pretense, the Messiah is being proclaimed; and in that I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, 19 for I know that this will work out for my deliverance..."; back in verse 10 he has already said, "10 so that you will be able to determine what is best and thus be pure and without blame for the Day of the Messiah."

Put in the work-personally...

...because He loves us...

Father in Heaven,

Your name sets the standard for all; let my words be pleasing to You because I am learning to use Your words as the Holy Spirit gives Your plain speech- Your heavenly language of real love. Forgive me for my hard head and stubborn ways. Lead me away from trouble.

Great God of all good reason,

In the name of Christ Jesus,



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