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How Is It That Some Just Don't Understand?

Monday, ‎July ‎25, ‎2022

Good morning, Lord

Verse of the Day: Psalm 112:5

A good man deals graciously and lends; He will guide his affairs with discretion.

Memory verse: Romans 12:1: Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.

Today's reading: PSALM 37-39 ACTS 26

How Is It That Some Just Don't Understand?

I majored in English and taught for a couple of years in a small North East Texas town and a college professor of mine had drilled into me the importance of simple composition basics.

I had a friend who was still in college close by who came to me and asked if I would help her proof a paper her professor had given her to work on for her extra credit. She got the impression that he might be trying to make 'advances' toward her and wanted me to really 'fine-tooth' his dissertation so as to discourage him. When I finished I had cited enough mistakes to fill up three pages on a legal pad, (he did not want marks on His copy), so I cited page and line.

She took it back and he was furious and took it to one of his colleagues, the very english prof who had taught me, and his colleague told him that the young lady was right on every mark and that he needed a complete rewrite. She said later that that professor never approached her again. He was, by the way, a physical education major and a math genius.

The point to this is that that professor, as brilliant as he was with numbers, did not have a good command of the written language. On the other hand, I am no good with numbers. I could never see a practical use for 'x' or 'y' and the teachers could not get it across to me- but I was o.k. with the written language and managed to get through.

Some get it and some don't and that has always bothered me but at some point one must be resigned to the vast differences in our human race and accept people for who they are and not what they know. Now this is speaking in a worldly manner, of course.

In the kingdom of God, it is not what you know but 'who you know'. It is not 'who you are' but 'who you are in Christ'. Some people, very sadly, will never get it. They will always look upon faith as a weakness and as useless and use their belief system as a reason for superiority. (Sort of like some of the 'tech folks' that think all others beneath them ignoring the fact that the very structure around them was erected by those lesser folks)--But this does not mean we ever stop trying to reach them for Christ.

Our consistency before the world will say more to this mindset than all our words. They must see the difference in us every day. The love that keeps no record of wrongs- the peace that cannot be explained- the joy in the midst of trial-these speak to the heart of the unbeliever louder than the words of any. This is because the divine Holy Spirit of God speaks through us, loves through us, and instills peace and joy in us.

Some will not ever understand but some will--and this is the reason our persistence and our steadiness and stability-our choice to take up our cross daily and follow Jesus is so important. God works through the obediently surrendered.

...because He loves us...

Father in Heaven,

Increase my faith and my resolve. Forgive me for my weak resolve. Have mercy on me.

Merciful and mighty God,

In the name of Christ Jesus,



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