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Go, Make...

Saturday, ‎October ‎22, ‎2022

Good Morning, Lord

Verse of the Day: John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Memory verse: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

Today's reading: ISAIAH 65-66 1 TIMOTHY 2

Go, Make...

Isaiah 62:10 Go through, go through the gates!

Make the way ready for the people.

Build up, build up the road!

Move all the stones off the road.

Raise the banner as a sign for the people.

Go through, go through the gates!

Some of you have never been in a really old barn. When I grew up, there were still many old barns that had been built a hundred years ago. I worked in a lot of those old barns coming up and there is one thing I remember. No corn crib ever had the same kind of latch on the door. The latches on the doors were always made of wood and were different because the person who built the door had a different idea how a latch should be made.

When the Lord says something twice in succession in scripture, it is for a reason. Go through the gates-but go through the gates giving thanks for the hands that hung the gates way back then. Take note of how they built the gates and the strength of the hinges and the size of the opening.

Go through the gates and think of how many people can go through at a time-or better yet-ask the Lord for a vision of how many people can and will go through the gates. There is so much in what God says and how He says it.

With this vision in mind, one can see what needs to be done to the road. The road does not need to be any wider than the gate-but-the shoulders of the road(the sides) need to be wide enough for the travelers to step to the side and rest. The foundation of the road, the subgrade, must be laid down so that it will not fail to hold up the road under the traffic. Life is hard enough without stumbling over loose rocks. Get them off the road.

In Isaiah 62:10, there are five lines. They start with





Raise... The last is raise a banner as a sign for the people to see. What is that banner to look like? In the song of Solomon, chapter 2, verse 4, is called the 'bride's admiration' and says: "Let him lead me to the banquet hall, and let his banner over me be love." There are at least 100 verses(google it) in scripture that refer to us as the 'bride of Christ'. The Banner must represent God's love for all the people who come through the gates.

All five words in Isaiah 62:10 are commands to do certain works in the kingdom of God here in this life. Two are repeated:


We all can go in one way or another but we must go in the name of the Lord.

We all will build in the way the Lord leads us-all our work will look different-like the latches on the corn cribs. I have the door in my garage off the crib in our old barn. It is over a hundred years old. It was built to last by a man who loved to care for his family. I have never seen another like it.

There is only one you. Noone can do whatever it is you can when you obey God.

Go; make; build; move; raise God's banner of His love...

...Because He loves us...

Father in Heaven,

Forgive me for trying to be someone else and listen to the wrong voices. I want to be all You want me to be.

Father of infinite patience,

In the name of Christ Jesus,



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