Face Down
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Good morning, Lord
Verse of the Day: 1 Peter 2:2-3
2 Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, 3 now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.
Memory verse: Romans 8:32 ►He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?
Today's reading: JOSHUA 7-9 LUKE 1:21-38
Face Down
Joshua met a man with a sword drawn, Joshua 5:13-15, and asked him this question, "Are you for us or our ememies?" He was an angel of the Lord who cammanded the Lord's forces and told Joshua to take off his shoes for the ground where his feet were was holy ground. Joshua took off His shoes. He had no problem with God's authority for he recognized this ultimate greatness. Joshua would also remember that the Lord said the same thing to Moses from the burning bush.
Joshua bowed down.
Numbers 14:6
Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of Jephunneh, who were among those who had spied out the land, tore their clothes
Numbers 16:4
When Moses heard this, he fell facedown.
Numbers 20:6
Then Moses and Aaron went from the presence of the assembly to the entrance to the Tent of Meeting. They fell facedown, and the glory of the LORD appeared to them.
What has happened over time that folks don't recognize the Holiness of God and get on their faces? I think it is because we think we are above that-and that is the problem. Humility has been painted over for so long we don't know what it is.
We are never above the feet of Jesus. He is Lord of all. There is no water in this dry land-without our Holy God-there is no power worth having.
Our God is the source of all blessing-all health-all riches-all at the feet of Christ Jesus. Discover old testament humility before God and His supreme power.
All that power and He numbers every hair on your body and catches all your tears in a bottle(Psalm 56:8)...
...because He loves us...
Father in Heaven,
teach me to 'hallow' Your name and teach me humility of old. Show us all how it feels to know we must be on our faces before You.
Lord of all and Divine Master,
In the name of our Lord Jesus,
