Thursday, February 29, 2024
Good morning, Lord
Verse of the Day: 2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Memory verse: Romans 8:32 ►He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?
Today's reading: NUMBERS 20-22 MARK 7:1-13
When Jesus said, "Peace, be still"(Luke 8:22-25), the winds died down and it became perfectly calm but the disciples were troubled. But why were they so troubled? They had seen Jesus heal and drive out evil spirits-even bring a man back from death(Luke 7:11-17).
All the miracles until this point in Luke had been with human beings. What the disciples now had seen was Jesus speaking to the elements. Evil spirits had obeyed the voice of Jesus. People had been healed of all kinds of afflictions. But now the 'winds and waters' obeyed Him and this was a lot to take in. Spirits, sickness, the human body from death to life-but now the earth-the winds and the water of the earth itself had obeyed the voice of the man they were following.
One would think that this would immediately be a point of great excitement and pride for the disciples but the Bible says that they questioned each other in 'In fear and amazement'. They were shocked and awed and frightened.
From all the activity of ministering to all the human needs, the disciples were exhausted and so was Jesus and they all sought to 'get away' and found themselves on a boat in a storm about to die. The disciples were in a mindset of what we would call 'taking a break' and then found themselves in a storm. Jesus was awakened by frantic, frightened and frustrated children in the faith and told it all to stop-the wind and waves lay still. The men were like: "But, But, But..."
Nothing to waste all that adrenaline on-nothing-nothing but fear and awe. All was well. They were with God but were still having a hard time living in that reality and would not get it completely until Jesus ascended into Heaven.
If it was hard for them, it is hard for us. It got easier for them to wrap their heads around it as they walked with Jesus more and more. It comes to us little by little as we walk day by day with our Lord but there are times when we question-is Jesus watching-is He asleep in the boat(?)-this storm is going to overwhelm us. We are still learning that we walk with God and there is nothing that we see or experience that will not obey His voice-nothing-He is Lord of all.
...because He loves us...Father in Heaven,
I confess, I struggle grasping the reality of walking with You day in and day out. Let me see Your majesty in all things.
Mighty God and lover of our souls!
In the name of Jesus,
