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Bowls, Cups, Kettles

‎Monday, ‎March ‎1, ‎2021

Good Morning, Lord

Verse of the Day: Mark 7:...These people honor Me with words off their lips; meanwhile their hearts are far from Me.

7 Their worship is empty, void of true devotion. They teach a human commandment, memorized and practiced by rote.

Memory of the month: Isaiah 41:13 For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.”

Today's reading: NUMBERS 20-22 MARK 7:1-13

Bowls, Cups, Kettles

We are living in such an awkward time in History. We have hand sanitizer on every corner and masks are mandated. Let me ask a question:

If you were a parent with your children in a soup line waiting for the first meal in days, would you let them eat their soup without washing their hands? If there was no way to sanitize their hands, would you let them eat or make them go hungry? Of course, you would let them eat.

Jesus was disgusted by the traditions of the Jews and how they would trample God's commands to follow man-made rules and rituals. This is from Mark, chapter 7, verses one through 13. The Jewish leaders were  judging Jesus and His followers for not washing their hands before eating as ritual dictated. Jesus always employed God's common sense which was alien to the mind of the Jew. God's common sense is to follow God commands always even if it means breaking the rules of the church.

It has been hard on folks that want to be in Sunday morning worship-this covid thing-so when the crowds get bigger than 'covid-usual' the pastor sees desire for a touch from God.

I looked out over a bigger crowd and we started worship and were having such a great time together. The folks shared what had jumped off the pages of the Bible that week and then we took some prayer requests before we went into prayer time. Then a lady, almost in tears, raised her hand and told of her concern over her own medical problems and I felt the urge to reach for the anointing oil in the pulpit. I asked if she would like to be anointed and she said yes. After her anointing, I asked if anyone else needed it, we anointed many and God moved. Before long, there was no time left to preach-God had taken care of the message. It had been such a healing and blessed time. Our whole family reaching out to each other in obedience to The Holy Spirit and scripture--we 'had church' the way God desired for us on that day.

This does not fit what many would see as 'having church' but I am so blessed to have been there. The people sang and prayed for each other and spoke of how God spoke to them and the preacher did not preach and nobody noticed. The biggest blessing was the folks feeling the freedom to ask for prayer for themselves. They felt no judgement-only acceptance. God's Spirit and love removed reluctance and fear.

What will it take for us to realize that God does not respect our traditions?

Romans 2:11 For there is no respect of persons with God.

Matthew 23:25 ►"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence.

Mark 7:4 And they observe many other traditions, such as the washing of bowls, cups, and kettles.

There is a lost world in a soup line. Jesus says our message to them is that they cannot wash themselves. They cannot ever clean themselves to eat at His table. They must drop all the self-washing and He will wash them clean.

Will the lost world know to pray Psalm 51:7:

"Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow."

Will they hear the message of Christ or will they see us in our self-indulgence washing bowls, cups, and kettles because that's the way we have always done it or because it is expected?

Instead of indulging self, we must indulge God. We must plead with God to have mercy on us, take up our own crosses, and follow Jesus. It starts at home in our own prayer closets where we drop all pretense in full humility and look into God's face and experience His heart for us.

LUKE 14:23 And the lord said unto the servant, ‘Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.

From the fanciest car on the highway to the folks sleeping under the bridges-they are lost and hungry if they know it or not. We must stop washing the dishes and let God wash us so the world can see His abundant life in us and run to Him for life.

...because He loves us...

Father in Heaven,

I have not listened and learned. I have indulged my own flesh. Have mercy on me and forgive. Thank You gracious and kind and patient God.

In the name of Jesus,




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