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Be The Healing

Sunday, ‎March ‎5, ‎2023

Good morning, Lord

Verse of the Day: Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.—Hebrews 12:1

Memory of the Month: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Today's reading: NUMBERS 32-34 MARK 9:30-50

Be The Healing

A friend came to me with a complicated worry. She knows people at two church's which have experienced 'trouble' and her heart breaks for them. She is really burdened for these folks to get through these things and continue their ministries for the Lord's glory.

This is a hard thing for folks to deal with. Some people fall away from church; some of them move on to new churches. Some have a hard time trusting folks in 'spiritual' authority ever again.

From a distance, we can pray for the members of the church in trouble; we can encourage them to be as positive as they can be by not voicing harsh judgement. We must be the ones who 'love' the entire matter.

What does that mean? First, we must realize that there will be negatives flying around in chaotic ways and this creates pain for most who experience it. So, keep contact as much as you can and be the voice out there who is not condemning. Be calm when people voice their disappointment. Your faith cannot be explained-it must be experienced. Let the troubled see how you handle anxiety with a calm spirit in the Lord Jesus.

These situations see all kinds of emotions displayed. Some do not control emotions well. Some are angry and hateful-victims of their own choices to stand in judgement. Trying to change their minds is fruitless-you cannot bring that change. This is when having the Holy Spirit consciousness is so essential. Let God give you the freedom to, in love, say what needs to be said or not say anything at all.

Encourage all to remember that a local church is a group of believers who make up a part of the body of Christ. When one part of any body hurts the rest of the body continues dealing with the pain day by day. When the immune system is weakened, the entire body suffers. When the immune system attacks vital organs, all systems begin to fail-eventually.

We all have the job of working to keep the immune system in our local churches healthy. Those inside may need help from outside to help heal-so offer yourself to the Lord to be part of that 'medication'. If God gives you the green light, He will also give you what you need to be the best of helps. If God gives you no freedom, pray for health in the church and keep your hands off. Be patient. God will work things out in time many times without our knowledge.

Churches have sin just like people. It is not right, but it happens. We must deal with it in His righteousness and it can be a great and painful struggle. But, it cannot be ignored anymore than a broken finger.


What-I broke my finger-confession

How-Visit the ER-get it set-surrender to God for healing. This involves as many of the church as possible.

How do you get a dead elephant out of a room? You don't let it die in there to begin with-it must be nursed back to health so it can leave under its own power.

There will always problems in churches as long as there are people in churches...people saved by the grace of God but who continue to grow and deal with sin.

Jesus said, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone..."

Drop the stones...and pray deeply for those who will not.

...because He loves us...

Father in Heaven,

I confess I have things in my own life that You must heal before I am able to help outside of me.

Kind and loving Father,

In Jesus' precious name,




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