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Be Solid

Friday, ‎August ‎26, ‎2022 Good morning, Lord Verse of the Day: Psalm 119:165 Great peace have those who love Your law, And nothing causes them to stumble. Memory verse: Romans 12:1: Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Today's reading: PSALM 119:89-176 1 CORINTHIANS 8 Be Solid When I was a little boy, I saw people in my life who seemed to have it all together. None of these people ever wore suits with the exception of a few on Sunday. They wore work clothes. They were farmers and housewives- carpenters and teachers and plumbers and electricians. None were wealthy by the standards of this world. The first 'rich' man I ever met was one of the weirdest men I ever knew. There was something about him that, apart from his great fortune, was so different from my dad. I learned later that his 'wierd-ness' was insecurity. He had all the monetary security one could need and that was all he had-money and things. What I learned from these men is that what you have on this earth does not define you. What you have in your heart defines you. The good men and women around me lived hard working lives with problems and hardships like everyone else but they were solid people. They didn't have to be 'fulfilled' by going anywhere and seeing great things. Many never even went on what we call vacations. It had simply not been introduced as a need. There might have been much they did not have but little they needed. The writer of Psalm 119 says:How blessed are those whose way is blameless,Who walk in the law of the Lord.Later he writes: verse 5, "Oh that my ways may be established To keep Your statutes!9 How can a young man keep his way pure?By keeping it according to Your word. The first thing the writer mentions is God's word-keeping our way pure with the word of God. Then he writes the verse that a lot of us learned as children from some of those solid folks: 11 Your word I have treasured in my heart,That I may not sin against You. That is why there will always be a memory verse at the top of this page.We are not defined by what we have in this world but what we have in our hearts. We do not have to kill ourselves working for abundant life in this world-Jesus died to give us abundant life in this world-and the next. Be solid in Him... ...because He loves us... Father in Heaven, Forgive me for getting my eyes on the world again. Clear it all away-all the worldly stuff-and let me see Your heart for the lost world around me. Mighty God of grace and peace! In the name of Christ Jesus Amen


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