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A Mother's Push

Sunday, ‎May ‎10, ‎2020 Good morning, Lord Matthew 18:15 “Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. M.O.M.: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. John 14:27 Today's reading: 2 Kings 13-14 John 2

A Mother's Push

The folks could not have been affluent. No one of any social status would have ever exhausted the supply of wine; it simply did not happen. The guest list included Jesus and his disciples before Jesus had done any miracles which meant that they were all known by the folks being married, so, they were all the ordinary, working class, peasant types.

Tha 'master of the feast', John 2:9, was surprised at the quality of the wine brought out after the first supply was gone. Usually, the good wine comes first and when all the drinkers are hardily under the influence, the cheap stuff comes out.

It was all due to a mother's mind-Mary's mind-the mother of Jesus knew His capabilities-she knew Jesus like most mothers know their children. She knew Jesus had divine power. For 30 years she had seen Jesus deal with people and deal with His Heavenly Father. Think about it-all she said was, "They are out of wine..."

The Bible records this story for what reason? Mary basically 'pushed Jesus out of the nest'. If you want to argue with that, tell me why after Jesus said, "My time has not yet come", that she told the servants, "Do what He tells you"? Why did Jesus make wine from water if His time had not yet come? Because Jesus was human and he was reluctant to put Himself out there for all the world to see. We must assume that God wanted us to see how well our mothers may know their children.

What other reason could there be? The Bible tells us that Mary kept all these things in her heart, Luke 2:19. A mother stores all the little things in her heart-the little things that add up to the real child that grows into an adult-the things that tell what a person is made of and what a person will be.

Mary knew it was time and the human part of her son just needed a little push. As she walked away from Jesus she said to the help, "Do what he says...", and all eyes and ears were on Him. He had to make a move. They were waiting..."Fill those six jars with water".

Over 120 gallons of wine-His time had certianly come and it came from the heart of His mother, Mary.

Today, we thank God for our mothers. Some were great and some were not but all have Jesus to save their souls and give them a new day, everyday.

It may have been Jesus, Lord of all, and His blessed mother, but how many of us have not felt a mother's push...?

Thank You, God, for my mother.

...because He loves us...

Father in Heaven, I confess, I do not honor my mother enough. Thank you for reminding me. Great God of all! In the name of Jesus, Amen

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