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Don't Have Enough?

Sunday, ‎July ‎24, ‎2022 Good morning, Lord Verse of the Day: Matthew 19:14 But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Memory verse: Romans 12:1: Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Today's reading: PSALM 35-36 ACTS 25 We Just Don't Have Enough....? Little Miss Tittle was one of the ladies at the church we worked when we were first married and was always crocheting comforters or house shoes for as many as she could and was always so encouraging, always with a smile and laughter. Our first child came and My wife had left teaching to have children and my salary was, well, the youth minister's salary. We struggled to make the mortgage payment and everything else and there was never any extra. "We just don't have enough", or, "I don't know what we're gonna do" seemed to be on my lips a lot. I don't remember what it was that broke or what bill was due but we were short a couple a hundred dollars and the way it felt it might as well have been a couple of thousand. A senior staff member came up to me and handed me an envelope with our names on it. He said, " Little Ms. Tittle said to give this to you-said God told her do do it." I waited until I was alone to open it and when I did I saw a check from her to us. It was for exactly what we needed-to the penny. Now, I had not told anyone of our plite and I was a little more than surprised. Matthew 14 tells of when Jesus fed 5000 plus women and children. Jesus told the disciples in verse 16,"You give them something to eat" and then asked the disciples how much they had on hand. In Matthew 15, the disciples again asked, “Where could we get enough bread in this remote place to feed such a crowd?”, Matthew 15:33. It was one of those 'We just don't have enough' moments for the disciples-again. Jesus said, again, "Don't send them away, how much do you have?" Then he fed them all(4000 men plus families) with some left over. Jesus asks us in our time of need, "How much do you have? Don't put it off-deal with it-Just bring what you have to me". We take problems to the Lord all the time. Sadly, many times we wait until we are in a remote place with what seems to be a hungry hoard at our door. The disciples saw the problem but the problem had been growing for a while-in Matthew 14, the disciples waited until evening(when they thought it was too late to do anything). In Matthew 15, Jesus waited 3 days(while He watched the disciples wait for Him to act) before He asked the disciples to bring Him what they had. In any case, the Lord Jesus wants us to: > face the problem > confess our weak-faith attitude > Bring Him what we have > Move when He says move > Let nothing go to waste-pick up after ourselves No, I do not know how hard it may be for you. I just know how hard it was and still is here sometimes. But 35 years after 'Little Ms Tittle', I can say it was just the beginning of how God proves over and over how faithful He matter how weak and doubtful we may be. ...because he loves us... Father in Heaven, Forgive my doubts and my ignoring the truth. You are Lord of all, Endlessly faithful God and friend, In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen



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