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‎Sunday, ‎February ‎27, ‎2022

Good morning, Lord

Verse of the Day: 1 John 3:18

My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.

Memory of the Month: 2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Today's reading: NUMBERS 15-16 MARK 6:1-29

Go Ahead And Ask

I have known the man and his wife since she was in our youth group thirty plus years ago and he asked if I would do his mothers' memorial service. The day came and we did the chapel service and after he and I were talking and I could not help but see some other weight on the man's countenance.

"What else is bothering you; I can see some other weight on your shoulders''.

He actually agreed with me and told me some things. He was grieving over his mother and I had to ask questions about what else was wrong? I had to. The Lord has made me that way. It is the gift of mercy. It may seem as if it was an awkward time but he did appreciate my asking. He needed to vent.

There is always something else going on in our lives. The world does not stop when we are suddenly thrust into times of trouble and the world demands that we meet all obligations and responsibilities.

We just need to ask. But before that, we need to put on Christ Jesus otherwise we come off as being 'nosey'. We cannot 'feel' their pain but we can sure see them carrying it if we are listening to the Holy Spirit.

What is this about? It is about loving folks while they are burdened. Some folks do the actual lifting and physical helping and we thank God for them. Some of us are all thumbs physically but can see through the activity and flurry around the troubles because that is where God has us. This is all about loving folks as we love ourselves.

This is about putting ourselves out there to do what we can in the name of Jesus. God has given us all gifts to meet the needs of our neighbors and to love them unconditionally. All of us need that touch from someone special from time to time and each one of us has been given our own special touch to deliver a blessing from our Lord.

Don't push it. Ask God for patience and wisdom and don't worry. God has it all planned. He will give you the words to say or the time to spend or the sense not to say anything at all. Sometimes we just need to be there for folks in simple and pure love and support.

Anywhere there is trouble, anywhere there is a cloud of fury, there are hearts that are in need of your special gift-giving, mercy, physical help-God has gifted you. Don't be afraid to ask-just ask in God's pure love and grace and then listen. God will lead you to be his hands-to show His heart.

...because He loves us...

Father in Heaven,

I confess my fear and my feeling inadequate. Forgive me. You have all I need to be Your blessing to folks around me. Teach me this great discipline of being Your heart and hands.

Loving and great Father,

In the name of Jesus,



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