To Eternity future
Sunday, August 18, 2024
Good morning, Lord
Verse of the Day: "Be merciful to those who doubt"
Jude 1:22 (NIV)
Memory verse: Psalm 42:2(New American Bible )
"My soul thirsts for God, the living God. When can I enter and see the face of God?"
Today's reading: Psalm 103-104 1 Corinthians 2
To Eternity future(Psalm 103:17)
Instead of using the words, "Praise God" we should tell of His great works. We have talked about this many times before. If you can't think of anything else to say, just say, "Thank You, Lord".
Saying the words, "Praise the Lord" or "Praise God" is a 'lateral command'-not a 'vertical praise'. A lateral command is given to those around you. That is not the intention of someone who really wants to praise God.
If we really want to praise God, we must know the reality of praise springing up out of our hearts. In Psalm 103 as well as Psalm 104 and many more, King David gives us a great list of things that God does for us. None of these have anything to do with great earthly riches-they have to do with inner joys.
Psalm103:5 says,"...and satisfies you with plenty of good things so that your youth is made fresh like an eagle’s."
This is not a promise of a 'fountain' of physical youth, it is a promise of soul restoration.(Psalm 23)
David says, "Let my whole being bless the Lord and never forget all his good deeds: 3 how God forgives all your sins, heals all your sickness, 4 saves your life from the pit, crowns you with faithful love and compassion",(Psalm103)
When David does mention what sounds like a physical blessing, 'bread', he says, (Psalm 104:15)"...bread sustains the human heart."
Read and retain what the Bible says God does for us. The more you retain, the more you realize the reality of these things in your life.
How can we not bless God for 'crowning our lives with faithful love and compassion'? If our lives are 'living sacrifices'(Romans 12:1&2), He 'crowns us'(makes our lives exhibit) faithful love and compassion.
Praising God or blessing God-whatever you call it comes from a grateful heart-a cup that runs over(Psalm 23)-gratitude for grace- thanksgiving for mercy-celebration in joy-all to God for who He is to us.
Real praise can never be just words. It will always come from a heart that knows its praiseworthy God in Christ Jesus.
Bless the Lord, oh my soul!
Psalm 103:17 "But the Lord’s faithful love is from forever ago to forever from now(eternity future) for those who honor him."
Honor Him!
...because He loves us...
Father in Heaven,
You are so hallowed in my heart but make me more aware of Your glory and love that is as high as Heaven. Give me Your bread to sustain my heart. Forgive my sin and lead me in Your righteous paths away from sin.
Glorious Father,
In the name of Christ Jesus,
