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To Be A Rare Person

‎Wednesday, ‎September ‎8, ‎2021

Good morning, Lord

Verse of the Day: Psalm 143:10

Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God; Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness.

Memory of the Month: Proverbs 15:1-A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Today's reading: PROVERBS 3-5 2 CORINTHIANS 1

To Be A Rare Person

A.W. Tozer wrote back in the 1950's:

"Modern mankind can go everywhere, do everything and be completely curious about the universe. But only a rare person now and then is curious enough to want to know God."

From: Men Who Met God, pp. 121,122, 127

Will you be that rare person? Will you be the rare person who tires of looking at artists' conception of the face of Christ on our walls and seeks to see the real face of God in the private place He has reserved for you?

Will you be the rare person who not only gives of time and money but who gives God full attention?

It is a rare person who seeks God and His kingdom and righteousness for God's purposes-but still, they are among us. Are you willing to be one?

It is a rare person who really cares for the needs of others more than the needs of self? They, also, walk among us. Are you willing?

They are here, few maybe, but they are here-the people who really love God not for what He can do for them-no-they are way passed that. They love God because He is God and they return that love with all their hearts.

There are those who love God's word and are in it everyday not because their preacher or teachers encourage it but because they love hearing God's voice in His word and love searching His word for his wisdom. Are you there, yet?

Are you willing to drink the 'whole cup'? There are those who know the truth that no man or organization can deliver them. They know that no amount of 'righteous work' can bring them into God's presence or earn His grace.

Are you willing? Are you willing to stop depending on your own opinion and be totally dependant on God.

Psalm 23 says:

2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,

he leads me beside quiet waters,

3 he refreshes my soul.

He guides me along the right paths

for his name’s sake.

Green pastures, still waters, soul refreshing-the paths of righteousness-God leads us when, when our will is surrendered to all this not for our own benefit but for His 'name's sake'. Are you ready to surrender to this truth?

Please relax. This is not to load anyone up with guilt or regret. I am still working on all of this. No one can stand in judgement of any of you because we all still have much work to do. When we read that in Psalm 139:6

6 "Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,

too lofty for me to attain...",

David may say he cannot wrap His head around it but that does not mean he did not accept it. It means that He trusts God whether he can understand it or not.

Ephesians 1:4,5

...just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will,6 to the praise of his glorious grace,

We, you, have been chosen by the 'good intention of His will'

to the 'praise of His glorious grace'.

His good will-His praise-His glorious grace-His CHOICE.

None of us deserve it. None of us have or will ever earn it.

So, God deserves our undivided attention and commitment. We will never be able to 'wrap our heads around it'. But we must wrap our hearts around it as His heart is wrapped around us.

Do you dare to come out and be different? Do you dare to step on the waters in trust and continue to look to Him when you start to sink? Do you dare to love Him with all you are?

When you do, you will find all you need to love your neighbor as much as self without judgement in total transparency.

But, it is a climb. It is a work of will-the will God gifted us with. We are chosen by His good will for His pleasure and praise...

...because He loves us...

Father in Heaven,

Forgive me for not 'willing' to accept and believe as I should. Have mercy on me and pull me up to be where You want me to be. I dare...

Supreme lover of my soul.

In the name of Christ Jesus,




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