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‎Tuesday, ‎February ‎15, ‎2022

Good morning, Lord

Verse of the Day: 1 John 4:10 In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

Memory of the Month: 2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Today's reading: LEVITICUS 17-18 MATTHEW 27:27-50


The soldiers gambled for His clothing. They hung a sign over His head that read, "This is Jesus-King of the Jews". The crowd jeered and mocked Him as they walked around."You said you would tear down the temple in three days and then rebuild it, let's see you do it!".

"Save yourself if you are really God's son-come down from that cross!"

The Chief priests and scholars joined right in and said some typically vile things. "Come down from that cross and we'll all become believers".

The soldiers, the poor people, the rich priests and teachers, and everyone in between all took part. From all parts of society there that day-they all made fun of Jesus. It says that 'the whole earth went dark' from noon until three and the people were still jeering. "Don't' be in such a hurry, let's see if Elijah comes to save Him".

Jesus breathed His last.

The Bible says that just at that moment the temple curtain-the curtain that kept people from going into the very presence of God-was torn entirely in half-the way into where God is-opened completely-for all time.

There was an earthquake and rocks broke apart.

One thing the Bible does not record-the furthur words of any mockers. They were at that point without any more smart words. They had had their time of talking down to Jesus and looking bigger to others or at least in their own eyes. The rich and the poor alike ran to any place that looked safe. The cruel crowd is mentioned no more.

The soldiers at the cross who could not abandon their posts, stood in awe and said, "Surely(without a doubt) this has to be the son of God."

Surely, everyone-from the governor to the peasant had been wrong on that day. This was the son of God and everyone ran fearing for loss of life-they had made a joke out of God's only Son and they knew it.

What will it take for the wicked and lost of this world to see that Jesus is the real Son of the Living God.

They have to see the Son of God in Us-without the earthquake or rocks splitting or graves bursting open. The big curtain is split down the middle and the temple is in us-the Divine Personal Presence of God is in our lives. The difference must be seen in the way we live out God's divine love to them. They must see Jesus in us and say, "Surely they belong to the perfect way".

Some will still scoff. Some will move away from fear. Some will stand where they are because they know they have to. We have to respond in love and gentleness no matter their reaction.

That reality is in each of us if we live in Him. If we truly live in Him, He will shine through in perfect love and for some it will be the earthquake that saves their soul for eternity.

God's love levels all fields of differences that exist in the race.

...because He loves us...

Father in Heaven,

I am weak and I confess I fall way short. I place my life back in Your hands. Shine through me as I submit.

Forgiving and loving Father,

In the name of Jesus,



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