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High Thinking

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Good morning, Lord

Verse of the Day: John 6:29

29 Jesus answered, “The work God wants you to do is this: to believe in the one he sent.

Memory verse: Psalm 42:2(New American Bible )

"My soul thirsts for God, the living God. When can I enter and see the face of God?"

Today's reading: Psalm 129-131 1 Corinthians 11:1-16

High Thinking

We are still in the subject of 'high places' or places where we hide our secret idols. We have said that there is only one real high place and that is with God. The other high places only promise lies and false security and false hope that there may be satisfaction in something other than our real God.

Why do we do what we do? Why do we get caught up in something that is of this earth-something created by the mind of man? It is sin living in us(Romans 7:17). We allow this sin to speak to our desires without 'taking it captive' and shutting it out. Then we dabble in whatever it is and are pulled headlong into sin that is on a false high place and are no longer conscious of the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

'High thinking' is what we do when we trust our judgement over God's. It is spiritual unconsciousness-we have 'fallen asleep' to God's kingdom reality and His divine power.

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 "The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world. Instead, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We tear down arguments and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

Being unconscious of God's power does not mean we are unconscious of God's reality. It is a place of fear that we try to ignore.

King David feared  God. He knew what God could do and had done. He knew he could not straddle the fence between sin and God's righteousness. He wrote in Psalm 130:

4 "But with you there is forgiveness,

so that you will be feared."

We must fear God when we have unconfessed 'high places'. Places where we know we should not be.

In Christ, we have divine weapons. Unconscious and in sin, we have no weapons at all. We must be very afraid of these places. If we are not, we have lost consciousness of our loving God-asleep at the wheel.

Return to Him and awaken, again, to His power.

...because He loves us...

Father in Heaven,

Your name is so humbling and powerful. Teach me your heavenly mind and allow me to feed on Your word. Forgive me my weaknesses as I seek Your kingdom and wisdom. Lead me away from the influence of the world of the evil one.

Constant, never wavering God,

In the name of Christ Jesus,




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