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He Carried It All

‎Tuesday, ‎March ‎30, ‎2021

Good Morning, Lord

Verse of the Day: Isaiah 53:3-4 He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted.

Memory of the month:  And they said to one another, "Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?" —Luke 24:32

Today's reading: JUDGES 9-10 LUKE 5:17-39

He Carried It All

He Carried It All

Isaiah 53:3-4 He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted.

Easter is supposed to be a time of celebrating the resurrection of Christ The Lord but we have covered it with bunnies and eggs and pretty flowers and fancy clothing. We should be ashamed but we are not.

Jesus was beaten and killed on a cross. He sweat blood. It is all God's plan to wipe out our sin, not the sin of Christ-He was faultless. The passage from Isaiah tells how people 'hid their faces' meaning they ignored the truth while Jesus carried all the griefs and sorrow of those very people-and us-to that very cross. It is time we hallowed the name of God-the name of Christ Jesus-the name of the Holy Spirit-all one God. God did this all for us-why? So we could gather in numbers in our 'Sunday best' and continue to ignore the whole truth?

How can I ask such a question? He has borne our griefs. He has taken all the pain of loss in our lives to the cross so we might live in His abundance-not our abundance-His abundance of grace and work through the pain and carry with grace and peace. So, we allow our world to be taken over by victim mentality? What?

He carried all our sorrows to the cross and we allow ourselves to be covered by a pitiful cloud of 'woe is us'-our candidate didn't win?

The truth of the scripture never changes. Its relevance is always fresh.

John 4:35 ►(Jesus said)"Don't you have a saying, 'It's still four months until harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest."

God's work for us is always the same.

Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

We need to hear and see the truth. Take off the worldly blinders and see God-really see Him in all His glory and hallow His name. The fields are white and our lives are short.

Paul wrote these words:

Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We are to overflow with hope. We are not to hide and watch. We are not to hide and hope. We are to put on the full armor of God, Ephesians 6:11, and walk in the Spirit, Galatians 5:16 and live a life worthy of the calling, Ephesians 4:1, pray without ceasing, be thankful in everything and always be joyful, 1 Thessalonians 5:16,17,18.

As we trust Him-trust Him-not the government-as we trust God, He will fill us with joy and peace and not the world. Nothing of the world can give us will ever fill us with joy and peace. The world's joy and peace comes in a wrapper of some kind. Before the wrapper is covered in the land fill, the effects of the contents are spent.

God's peace is never spent. His joy never gets buried. The pain of this world and all the worries dissolve in His presence because His grace says that all our stuff was on the cross with Jesus. All our 'stuff' was covered and dealt with on the cross.

Go into God's throne room and let Him wash over you with His limitless peace and endless joy and then get to whatever He puts in front of you next.

...because He loves us...

 Father in Heaven,

Forgive me. Have mercy on me for not living in Your truth. Fill my heart with Your true vision and hope and joy.

Gracious Lord and friend,

In the name of Christ Jesus,




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