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Find The Pictures

‎Tuesday, ‎February ‎8, ‎2022 Good morning, Lord Verse of the Day: Matthew 5:43-45 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. Memory of the Month: 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Today's reading: LEVITICUS 4-5 MATTHEW 24:29-51 Find The Pictures I reached into the drawer of my desk in my office at church one day and pulled out an old, yellowed envelope with some photographs inside. It was the kind of envelope that the newly developed pictures were delivered in back in the 1970's. I pulled out the pictures and there was my mother, my cousin, and me on the back porch of the home place--spring 1971. There was Nick, our old dog and the new 1970 Pontiac Lemans I had bought on credit for my graduation-covered in mud. I don't remember how the pictures got into my desk at church but they were there and in good shape. I only wish I had held on to more of them. I fear that these new generations will be of the lost photographs. Digital-world pictures are a click or a virus away from being lost forever. I try to encourage my children to print out pictures whenever they can because with each new phone someone gets, they chance to lose a piece of their past. Pictures are just a visual record but have you ever thought of making a diary of your days. It was mostly the girls who kept those little 'frilly books' by the bed and thought on paper. Guys just talk to themselves and make jokes about being 'crazy' if they start to answer. Let's clear the air: Everyone talks to themselves-maybe not out loud-but what is thinking? Remember what you were thinking on December 27, 2 years ago? Exactly-it may not matter but you cannot remember unless you wrote it down. The point to all this is growth-another reason we study history. If you had journaled, say--letters to God-- 5 years ago--each day. You could go back and read and say, :"Did I really write that?" or "I really need to move on from that..." Some do journal and the ones that do can tell you that there is strength in reflection. There is growth in recording the steps and memory has a foundation. We remember so much more of our written past. It urges us to move on. It is really hard to lie to yourself on paper. Some can lie to themselves constantly but it always eventually catches up with them. Writing helps us face the truth-see the truth as it is in our lives. Writing truth helps aim above our present situation. And writing as you talk to God--well, try it and you will see--please try it. Find a hard-backed book, of some kind-with blank pages-try it for 30 days. Read and pray and write to God. Write your thoughts on hard times and good. Write your goals in the front and read them everyday. (Digital is great if it is printed out and kept but is only a click away from gone if it never gets out of the box...) Don't just spend your days without receipts. Grow, grow, grow-seek God and His kingdom and grow. ...because He loves us... Father in Heaven, Help me to gather and organize my thoughts the way You want me to. Keep my life centered on You and loving You with all that I am. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

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