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At All Costs

‎Wednesday, ‎December ‎9, ‎2020

Good Morning, Lord

V.O.D.: John 15:5,8

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will

M.O.M.: Ephesians 4:31

31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.(English Standard Version)

Today's reading: HOSEA 1-4 REVELATION 1

At All Costs

We begin as children. We hear stories of the God that made things happen thousands of years ago and grow up with people around us that believe that God still makes things happen. God gives us all the faith we will ever need, Ephesians 2:8&9, to walk in this life as He leads us.

How far does that go? Rather, how much lip service do we give to a life of faith and how much do we really depend on God way down deep in our heart of hearts?

A speaker once told of losing a child a few months after birth. As he told the story you could almost hear the hearts break for him and his wife in that small room. Then he said one of the most challenging things I have ever heard. He said that he had prayed way back in his life to be a righteous man—he prayed, “Lord, at any cost, make me a righteous man”. Then he said, “Be careful what you pray for—if you walk through that door, you are telling God that whatever comes, you will trust Him”.

When you get married, you sign on for things about which you have no clue. Likewise, when you have children, you will be hit with some things for which you are not prepared. When you ask God to make you a righteous man or woman at any cost, you will use the faith God has given you to know that He will deliver you whatever comes. We may not be prepared, but God is always.

Do you think about a deeper relationship with God? Have you ever wondered if you could be more for the Lord?

You may be exactly where God wants you to be and if that is so, you know it. If you are not where God wants, you also know it. Everyday, we must go before God. Everyday, we must be completely truthful as we go before God. We must be in the middle of God’s life for us. The urgency of the Gospel never changes.

Immediately, some will say, "I am not that strong-I just don't think I can do it". This is the reason for a consistent life of discipleship. A life where God's word is studied and read and memorized along with meditation and prayer. Athletes are not born ready for the olympics. Babies are not born ready to be parents. One just born again is not ready to do battle everyday with the enemy.

Newborn, toddler, preschool-think about how much children learn and the time it takes. It is much the same with spiritual growth. We must seek and be patient and know God will get it done.

Pray for God to make you all you can be.

…because He loves us…

Father in Heaven

At all costs, make me a righteous person. Forgive me my impatience. Teach me trust.

Patient and all wise God.

In Christ's name,



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